

The Cheese Tax

Happy Tax Day!  While taxes may not be the most exciting topic, there are some interesting and fun tax facts that you may not know about: The first income tax in the US was introduced in 1861 to help pay for the Civil War. The tax was 3% of income over $800, and it was […]

Tax Now or Tax Later?

There is a lot of buzz on the streets about Roth IRAs / 401ks and whether that is the right investment vehicle.  Well maybe not a LOT of “buzz”, but certainly enough to warrant some questions from our clients over the years.  So is a Roth IRA or Roth 401k / 403b always the best […]

Can You Dodge the Tax Axe?

I may be creeping into CPA-land here, but we are getting a lot of questions from our clients about what they can (or can’t) do to reduce their tax bill. All of us are still digesting the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and for some it has caused an unexpected bill or a lower […]

Ugh, Snow Days AND Tax Season

As mentioned in a previous post, snow days continue to upend the best laid plans for getting any work done for parents. Most recently, it was my wife’s turn to shoulder the load, and she took our kids to her office. Like many things with 3 children under 10, it was fun for a while, […]