Best Laid Plans…

So we usually post our blogs on Tuesdays—and I had every intention of completing this week’s blog on time—but yesterday, I simply forgot about it. Our dog got sick and had to be taken to the vet unexpectedly, one kid needed a hard to find school supply for this morning, and one needed a soccer ball for practice yesterday evening, so we spent the day driving all over the Fauquier and Prince William counties. Then, the usual running to soccer practices, book clubs, grocery store, etc. ate up the rest of the day. There was just not enough time in the day to sit and write.
Life is busy—and many times we know that we need to focus on important tasks or responsibilities, but there just isn’t enough time to fit everything in. For many of our clients, this is why they seek out financial management help. So often we know that we should pay attention to our portfolios, rebalancing them on schedule…or checking mortgage rates to see if we should refinance…or checking our savings plan periodically to be sure we are on track. But, life is busy and there just isn’t enough time.
It does take time to monitor the economy, the stock market, interest rate movements—and how that affects our current money strategy. And, not all of us enjoy it, or have the extra time in our day to do so.
Enter Meridian. We spend our days watching economic movement, reading analyst reports, developing intelligent portfolio ideas. We love to apply the best ideas to our clients’ portfolios, monitoring performance, and adjusting to be sure our clients are on track to have the resources they need to enjoy life and protect their families.
We know how busy life can be. So, if there is anything we can help you with, please feel free to stop by or call anytime, we would love to support you in any way we can!