
Money IQ

Investing Can Pay Dividends

When most people think about investing in stocks, they tend to think in terms of buying a stock at a low price and selling at a higher price. This is certainly the goal whenever buying a stock, but what many often forget about is that some companies also pay their shareholders dividends every quarter. Investors

Investing Early

Nothing seems to go by faster than the time does watching children grow.  As most parents can agree, it is bitter sweet to see our little ones transition from one milestone to the next …. Or let’s be honest, in the case of the second, third, fourth child milestones are gone in the blink of […]

Borrow or Use Cash?

Thank you to one of our loyal readers for the suggestion of this topic! It’s a good question and one we get a lot from people, especially those nearing or in retirement. And, it usually involves whether or not to pay off the mortgage on a primary residence (or use saved money to buy outright […]

Independence Day

The 4th of July is upon us, and it reminds me of birthdays…my husband’s birthday, my best friend’s birthday…oh and also America’s birthday. It’s a big party day for sure! 😊 Besides birthdays, the 4th of July reminds us of independence and is a celebration of freedom—both important ideals of America.

Can You Dodge the Tax Axe?

I may be creeping into CPA-land here, but we are getting a lot of questions from our clients about what they can (or can’t) do to reduce their tax bill. All of us are still digesting the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and for some it has caused an unexpected bill or a lower […]

A Slippery Slope

A actual slippery slope – November 15th – Mountain Rd. in Haymarket, VA Each time I write these posts, it’s tempting to talk about diversification every time. Especially in the current volatile market environment. While I won’t totally give into that temptation this time, I do think it’s good to talk about

Say Cheese

Last week, we gathered hot, cranky and tired children and spouses of Meridian and made them take our annual Meridian family photo.  Luckily, our friend, Jen Dowell, is an amazing photographer and maybe an even better Photoshop editor? With affordable pricing and great services, Andy Defrancesco is proving to be a

A Better Experience

Unfortunately for my son Coleman, he had to have a tooth extracted last week for the second time in is short life. The first time was because he banged his mouth on the side of a coffee table and caused one of his front teeth to die (Ouch! It hurts to even write that!). That […]

Be Prepared

As I write this blog, Hurricane Lane is approaching Hawaii and residents are facing the largest storm in 26 years.  News footage is dominated with charts of the storm’s path, balanced with residents buying water and other staples or evacuating. When this is posted, Hurricane Lane should be well past Hawaii and