Social Hour

Happy day after Labor Day weekend!  For the Yakel family, that means back to school!!

While the dogs were sad to be left behind…

…the kids were mostly excited to catch up with their friends after a long summer of just hanging around the house.  They missed the social aspect of school very much…the actual school part, like tests and homework, not so much! 😊

We all like to be connected—and social media has become a large part of being connected for some of us.  And so, please meet Lucy on the Meridian team:

Woman in blue blazer and white shirt standing in front of trees


Lucy is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional with Meridian, and is also an avid consumer of all things social.  Despite her mature ways, she keeps us informed of all of the latest Tik Tok trends, splashy Netflix series, and newsworthy soundbites from popular culture.  And she brings her excellent curation skills to Meridian’s social media presence.

Most of our blog readers are aware of our weekly post—but there is so much more to discover on our social media channels! 😊

I’ve enjoyed following Meridian on social media, as Lucy posts the most interesting articles on the financial news du jour.  If you haven’t followed Meridian or seen Lucy’s recent posts, here are some of my favorite reads this month from the OG—Meridian Financial Partners on Facebook:

  • PEMDAS…this one took me a while, but my 7th grader recited it quickly…it’s the mathematical order of operations when solving problems: Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. Lucy posted the financial equivalent of PEMDAS here!
  • And a perennial question—should you pay off your mortgage heading into retirement? This Kiplingers article does a great job of laying out the pros and cons!

That is just a small smattering of things I found on Meridian’s Facebook page that I really liked!  Not to mention, Lucy also curates content for other Meridian Facebook pages that may appeal to specific Meridian clients, like…

…young investors at Grow With Meridian

…ladies looking to increase their financial savvy on Loose Change

…busy professionals who need straight talk from an honest source at Hey-Market


Lucy is not limited to just Facebook—she also operates The Meridian Financial Partners on Instagram…frankly, I mainly follow the page for the pictures of the dogs and kids…

…but I really like the bite size stories with good advice, like this one:

If you do nothing else on Instagram, at least watch the story highlights!  You are welcome for the tip… 😉

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