Welcome to Meridian Financial Partners. I am Sarah Yakel, and I am fortunate to be able to work with fun and talented people like Nathan and Gretchen. You can learn more about what makes them amazing here, but we are all glad that you are visiting us online and are most excited to meet you!
Nathan and I started Meridian after years of helping people navigate the pitfalls of the financial world. We realized that the financial world is often murky and difficult to understand, and so we founded Meridian on one guiding principle:
Our mission is to bring clarity to you so that you can see your financial picture clearly and carve the path to your goals. By extension, clarity brings comfort, security, and peace of mind.
In that light, the mission of our blog is to enlighten, inform, and (hopefully) entertain. Always curious, we read a lot, study trends, and talk to lots of interesting people. When we learn something interesting that you should know, we intend to share it with you here.
We commit to delivering valuable information to help you clarify your path so that you can enjoy your journey. So stay tuned…and visit often!
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This is the TD Account responding as the admin.