Independence Day

Happy 4th of July eve! Tomorrow we celebrate our nation’s fight for independence with BBQs, pool parties, and fireworks—and oddly enough lots of hot dogs. Apparently, Americans consume over 150 million hot dogs on July 4th. Pretty impressive.Our forefathers fought for independence from outside and foreign rule so our country and its citizens could live a life of freedom—freedom to worship, freedom to chose how to live, freedom of values. We totally get that. Nathan and I founded Meridian as an independent advisory firm because we wanted the freedom to chose how to serve our clients best.
We highly value our independence as Americans, as Meridian, and as individuals. Generally, we think our clients value independence too. Being financially independent doesn’t just mean not living with your parents—rather it means not having limited choices due to financial constraints. True financial independence is saving prudently and spending carefully so as to ensure freedom of choice in the future—freedom to chose when to retire, where to live, what to pursue. We see these values of independence and freedom gaining momentum in movements like FIRE (Financially Independent, Retire Early).
We love to help our clients forge a path to independence and freedom to live the life they chose, so when you are done eating all those hot dogs, call us to build your financial path!