There’s Much to be Thankful For
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! While it often feels like the world is filled with nothing but bad news we have a lot to be thankful for here at Meridian.

Sarah Yakel is thankful for 5% treasury rates and all of the adventures she’s had with her family this year before Melanie goes off to college.
Nathan is grateful for qualified charitable distributions (QCDs). Thankful to NOT be travelling over Thanksgiving! Although, travel does allow for good fishing sometimes!

This year Sarah Irving is thankful for our client’s entrusting us through a tough past two years in the markets. She’s also grateful for the prospects that rates may be close to or done hiking and the average returns that historically follow an end to Fed rate hikes.

And personally, Sarah is thankful for the beautiful bond between her family and the Meridian family. “They are my village and I am grateful for the core memories I get to make with them every day.”

Kira is grateful for having choices of savings vehicles to help reach your financial goals! 529’s for education expenses, HSAs for health care needs, IRAs and ROTHs for retirement (and SEPs if you are self employed!) and Brokerage Investment Accounts for additional savings beyond your emergency account. We are grateful for the advantages and benefits of each of these options.
This year Kira is thankful that she was able to accomplish my goal of running her first half marathon! “I entered the Richmond Half Marathon way back in January and was thrilled to complete the race in 2:17 on November 11th. The atmosphere at the race was incredible and I am looking forward to returning in 2024. My next run goal is a sub 2 hour half!”

Tyler is thankful for Koyfin and other analytics tools that help with his day to day. He’s also grateful for the baseball games he’s attended this year, coaching a U12 travel team, and competing in 2 softball leagues!

Go Nats!
Heather is thankful for 529 accounts now that her son is a sophomore and talking about colleges.

I’m grateful for the ability to make a financial plan for our growing family. While my first lesson in motherhood is that no plan is set in stone (surprise it’s twins!) the ability the make small steps now such as automatically contributing to savings, starting 529 accounts for the boys, and continuing to contribute to our retirement accounts will help my family now and in the future.
On a personal note, I’m so grateful to be with my family for Thanksgiving. It has always been my favorite holiday full of family & delicious food. We are celebrating down at my sister’s house this year so we are also a little thankful to not be hosting =]